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File name changes with transfer

PeaJayEye 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 1
Love your app but not without small frustration. When I transfer photos from my computer to my iPad I loose the file names of the photos I worked so hard to catalogue. It becomes an IMG_0123.jpg file.

I usually catalogue (rename) my photos according to content on my MacBook... and transfer to my iPad for touch ups using iPhoto and a stylus. They eventually make their way back to my MacBook but with a different name.... Am I doing something wrong?


Pam. Hewitson 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 1
I have pressed FORGET on the ALLOWED devices in settings. How do I restore my I pad and I phone so that they will connect to each other? I would be grateful for any tips to help solve this problem. Pam

Same image repeated?

Mehdi Abderezai 10 years ago 1
I have been trying to upload my entire collection of photos to google drive, I had to cancel and start over, each time selecting all and then uploading. I figured it would be smart enough to figure which files we uploaded so it doesn't re upload the same file each time I start. But I have a feeling its not doing that. Is that true? I see a few repeats in my google drive. Or thats just me having multiple copies of same image?

Transferrig photos - PC to IPAD, IPAD to IPAD

Ernie Perno 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 1
I have a windows 8 pc, ipads, iphones. Also a macbook pro.
I have been attempting to transfer photos from the pc to the ipad with no success. Do I need to buy the app for all devices?


aloke biswas 10 years ago 0
Image 16

Transferring edited photos

Chris Culley 11 years ago 3
When I transfer photos from the Camera Roll folder on my IPad that I have previously edited and saved, they arrive on the PC as the pre-edited photos. How do I overcome this and transfer the edited photos to my PC?

What am I doing wrong photos not saving

Joe Rigney 10 years ago 1
I get connected and photos show on computer but when I go out and back in they are not anywhere anymore? I am brand new to windows 8 today but they are not in the picture app. Do I have to save or as soon as the 2systems connect the transfer is completed?

No Albums from IPod Touch show under the "Albums In Selected Device" (PC) even though device is connected and recognized by the application.

MadChemist 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 2
My IPod touch is connected to Photo Transfer App (PC), but the app window does not show "Camera Roll" album. An error was reported: "Error-Load Albums. No albums returned. There was an error communicating with the device. Please make sure that you authorized the selected device to access your albums" The device was authorized, but it still reports this error. Also, "null (0)" is displayed on the side panel ("Albums in selected device") and will not allow me to create new albums. Thanks in advance for your help.

Can this app be used to transfer photos from Google + (old Picasso albums ) to a dropbox folder ,also streamline multiple Google accounts !

Paul Flint 11 years ago updated 10 years ago 1
Can this app be used to transfer photos from Google + (old Picasso albums ) to a dropbox folder ,also streamline multiple Google accounts !

Can't transfer a 5 minute video to a Windows PC.

FatBoy 10 years ago 2
Is there a size limit for video's. I can't transfer one to my Windows PC that is about 5 minutes long. Shorter videos and photos transfer fine. I let the long video run for about 17 hours, but it never finished. I'm using PhotoTransferApp version 2.1 in both Windows XP Pro Sp3 and Windows 8.1. Neither work for the longer video.