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duplicate file names

Brett Gibson 13 years ago 0
is there any way to change the method of handling duplicate file names? My wife and I recently got iPhones and the picture files on the devices are named using the same naming format. When I copied her pics using the PT app, it wrote over my pics with the same name. Why doesn't the app just create another file with some type of extension (_001)? Any ideas?

Which apps needed for Power Book G4, MacBookPro,Amazon Fire,and Samsung Galaxy Nexus?

Belden 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
I have a Mac PowerBook G4(non intel), a MacBookPro intel, an Amazon Fire, and a Samsung Galaxy Nexus from Verizon. Which apps to I need to exchange photos back and forth between all devices?

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't

sandy 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
I have some videos that I am trying to transfer from my computer to the ipad. All of these movies are .mov format, ranging from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes. Some have transferred fine others just don't work even ones that are only 30 seconds. They download almost completely to the end then an error message comes up saying "the video that you tried to transfer is not compatible with this device"

Turning on saving APIs, reverse order and screenshot mode

Esperanza Reyes 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
Need info on "use old saving APIs, Use reverse order and Allow screenshot mode"

transfering photo albums from i phone to i pad

Kathryn Carlson 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
How can I transfer individual albums that are created on my iphone to my ipad or i photo without having to re-create the albums?

it asks for a password but i dont have one

Thomas Clarke 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 3
i never made or entered a password before, so i have no idea what to do or get photos!! help!?!

Transfer Video

Bob 12 years ago 1

Will the app transfer videos as well as photos ?

If not, can anyone recommend a good one ?
Wish to go from iPad to a Windows 7 pc.


iPad album and Camera Roll

Thomas Ta 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
When transferring from my PC to iPad, look like the app put the pictures both into my album and the Camera Roll. Is it the way it is or I did something wrong?

iphone4 to ipad2 pic and small movie transfer works. larger movie file created with iMovie does not work.

Bill 13 years ago updated 12 years ago 3
Transfer of a picture and a small video clip works fine from iphone 4 to ipad 2 using the Photo Transfer App. When I try to transfer a movie created on my iphone 4 using iMovie, I get the following error. "The sender device responded but does not have pictures to share. Please select some photos on the sender device and try again." What is strange is I did select the movie file i created on the iphone 4. On the ipad 2, I selected Receive, the iphone 4, and "Get Videos" button on the app and I still get this error message.
Can anyone tell me what might be wrong?

Need for iPhoto Linkage

david dearman 12 years ago 0
Your App(s) are really quite nice and pretty intuitive, good to use and definitely solves the problem of cables and multiple synchs with several Macs. However not linking directly with iPhoto means that I will rarely use, as copying photos to the desktop is crude and time consuming, please add this functionality.

I know other have raised this, but you need to able to drag and drop from iPhoto, or for your App to show the iPhoto library. Everything else is a work around and unsatisfactory!