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Do I have to pay twice for the app to download it to my iPhone AND iPad?

Jeni Bee 14 years ago updated by Juan Luis 7 years ago 4
I purchased and downloaded Photo Transfer to my iPad. Do I have to purchase it AGAIN for my iPhone??? If not, how do I download it to my iPhone without paying for it again?

Ipad to Facebook

Stanley Gomiela 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 1
How do i transfer an album from ipad to facebook?

Create an ad-hoc network using a Windows XP computer

Enrique Rodriguez 14 years ago 0
Sometimes when you don't have access to a wifi network or you are having problems using a public wifi network a solution is to create an ad-hoc (direct) network between your computer and your device.

Please follow the steps described on this link (by Microsoft) to create an ad-hoc (computer to computer) network using your Windows XP computer:


(You can start from the 'How to set up the first computer' section)

After you create the ad-hoc network on your computer go to your iPhone or iPad and using the 'Settings' app join the ad-hoc wifi network that you just created.

After joining the ad-hoc network on your device open 'Photo Transfer App' and you should get a new address that you can use from your computer's web browser to start transferring photos.

Hope this helps!

Got iTunes receipt, but can't find the app on my iPad...

Mark Farrington 14 years ago 0
Hi. I've got a receipt for Phototransfer App from iTunes but the app doesn't seem to have installed on my iPad. I've been away for a few weeks when I haven't used the iPad, so to be honest I can't remember whether it did install back at the end of June and now it's disappeared, or whether there was some problem from the beginning.

Please advise.

Many thanks, Mark

cant find photos that i transferred from ipad to pc

paul sorensen 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 1

Photo Sync from iPhone4 to iPhone4 issue

Ippyboi 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 2
I have issues trying to send photos from an iPhone 4 to iPhone 4. I can send them to my mac and iPad not problem just to other iphone 4?

Transfers blank .jpgs

Colleen 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 1
It transfers blank .jpgs. I transferred 315 pics and they are all blank items. I have an iPhone 3G. I have a good connection through my local network and it acts like it's transferring the pictures, but all the files are 0 bytes and the actual picture doesn't transfer.

Is it safe to transfer images via wifi?

Sara Al Sayegh 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 2
Secure network?! Will others be able to view or download my photos?

Trouble uploading Photos from Vista PC to iPad

Herman 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 2
I have both Win 7 and Vista PCs. The Win 7 PC can connect and upload photos to my iPad just fine. The Vista PC can connect but when I upload it just sits there. The app is running on the iPad and I see the little working icon next to the WiFi so it is communicating but choking on something. I have reset the iPad and rebooted the Vista PC, tried both IE8 and Firefox 3.5 as well as disabling the Symantec Endpoint Protection firewall (which is also running on Win 7 PC). Downloading from the iPad works but I can't figure out what could be blocking the upload. Any ideas?

Upload Buttons not responding

Outlier 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 3
Using ie6, flash 10 - the button to upload a picture does nothing when clicked -any ideas please .