
Transfers blank .jpgs

Colleen 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 1
It transfers blank .jpgs. I transferred 315 pics and they are all blank items. I have an iPhone 3G. I have a good connection through my local network and it acts like it's transferring the pictures, but all the files are 0 bytes and the actual picture doesn't transfer.
Hello Colleen,

Thanks for posting your question here. I believe your question is the same as the one posted here:


Basically, some iPhones after upgrading to iOS4 are presenting this problem. Please read the information on the link above and let us know if synching with iTunes solved the problem. Try to delete the 'iTunes cache' folder on your computer and synch again. Hopefully that helps solving this issue.

Let us know how it goes.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App