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Audio works, but no video.

Richard Furze 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
I got the app to work sweet and the whole file size looks good once done, but when I play it, there is no video, just audio. Have I missed something.???


slowenguth 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
I am so frustrated now! I just got an iPad 2 and would like to transfer photos from my iPod Touch to my iPad. I spent $2.99 on the Photo transfer app and can't transfer. Please help

how to see bigger picture when selecting

Chris 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
Iphone - when selecting pictures to transfer is there a way to zoom in (enlarge a little) so I can see which ones I want to transfer. Right now it shows all small thumbnails, it's hard to tell which ones I want to select.


Photos Copied/Replicated on Windows Computer While Uploading to iPad

Bob Griffin 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 3
When we transfer photos from our Windows computer to our iPad, an additional copy (sometimes more than one) of the photo is also created in the same folder as the original on the computer. Why does this happen and is there a way to prevent it?

Tx app inop on iPad 3 post iOS6!

Mike Schofield 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
Used the Transfer app between PC & iPad3 ok before installing iOS6. Now, using address, the iPad refuses to accept the jpg images either wirelessly or via USB and shows an error message suggesting the files may be incompatible with the device! It transfers from iPad to PC ok but the same image received from the iPad cannot be transferred back again! I've followed all the tips & instructions, everything is as it should be so no reason why it does not work. What am I doing wrong?
Mike Schofield (in UK)

Album file naming when downloading from iDevice to PC

Simon Boudreault 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
When downloading from iDevice albums to PC, rename the "photo.zip" file to "album_nameXX.zip" where XX is the picture batch 1 to 100, 100 to 200 etc... So when we are sorting our pictures on the computer, we know in what album they were and there are less chance of overwriting "photo.zip" everytime.

Photo transfer work but camera roll keeps duplicate photos why????

Mark Euchner 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
How do you transfer from one iPad to another keep the photos in the photo app but NOT have every photo approx 3500 in my camera roll? When I delete my camera roll it also deletes my photo albums like they are tied together.

I also just have iPads o MacBook, etc.

Photos not in albums not found by Photo Transer App

Simon Boudreault 12 years ago 0
iPad to PC:
the App does not seem to "see" photos that were not in albums.

I noticed while backing up photos that there were a lot of pictures not transfered from my iPad to the computer.

in the iPad Photos, there are a few tabs: Photos, Stream, Albums etc. the "Photos" refers to all photos on my iPad. I have photos in that tab that I can't find in any of the "Albums" hence they are not part of any.

The App does not seem to consider them.

My workaround: created a "lost and found" album on iPad. Moved all from "photos" into that album, then transfer them to my PC. Sort them out on my PC then resync to iPad.

I know it creates a lot of duplicates but that's the only way I found to preserve all my photos.

Maybe add a "not in album" choice when transferring would be great in the app.

Grrr. Frustrating.

Jennifer Horak 13 years ago updated 12 years ago 3
I just bought htis app and smetimes it works great andoffers me theoption of transferring s JPG files. Most of the time, however, it only gives me the option of "Download all photos as zip file in Full Resolution" or "Medium Resolution" which so far has not worked as a batch function. I have to download them one by one which is tedious. Other times, I get the option of downloading in HVI or some other format, but not as JPEG. This also has not worked. What do I need to do to be able to download all photos at once in JPEG?


Frank Silver 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
I transfered tons of photos (iMac) all into separately names albums, but there are No albums on my iPad only a giant group of photos ?