Your comments

Hi Richard,
Was the post, link below, the one you're referring to?

If not, give that suggestion, by Amber, a try.
(They're working on an update fix for this issue.)
It may be possible that she needs to have your account details for the iTunes account, put into her other iDevice as well.

Usually, if the same account info is on all the iDevice's, the App will install FREE on as many iDevices as you want.

Amber or Enrique will confirm, or correct this (if im wrong) when they return.
Hi, Chito, ... Yes Amber is correct, you may have placed a period where a colon is meant to be.

Before the "8080" and after the last ".5"
This could be usefull for those without conversion programs, or for a quick YouTube or other social media upload
"...connected to the same internet network (LAN)..."

Actually, it's an Intra-net. ... Local Area Network (LAN)
(within the router structure only, not on the public Inter-net)
Hi Enrique ... actually, ... Isn't that what Amber stated? :-)

I know ... it can't be repeated enough ... :-D
Maybe I can clarify how to help your customers know they are on the same network.

It's not just the first 3 sets of IP #'s being the same ... Example - 192.168.0
But also what actual name THEIR home router is called.
(By-the-way ... so newbies reading this understand.... :-)
The 4th (last) set of #'s is the device's port# ... (xxx = Port#)
Be it an iDevice WiFi, or Computer with Ethernet cable or WiFi connection to the router.

The problem is, ....
... If you don't change the "default" router name, ...
... and at least the 3rd group of the first 3 IP #'s within the router,
you run the possibility that another router with the same default name and #'s
are in your area,
Making you believe it's your separate router you're connected to.

Example default router names are "Linksys" , "Netgear" , etc...

If you create a unique name for your router, ...
and make the router NOT broadcast that SSID
... Besides making your IP group of numbers different from default ...
... AND, choose a different channel other than default, to transmit on ...
You'll know when it's in fact YOUR network (router name & IP # group) you're on.

*(actually, ... many routers just let you change the 3rd & 4th set of numbers, only)
*(example ... ...
*(xxx being the selected #'s 2 to 255 for the 4th set.) ... {router uses 0 & 1}
*(and (zero) 0 to 255 for the 3rd set)
*(my router, Cisco-Linksys, allows all 4 Groups to be altered)

*** it's also recommended you turn on your routers encryption option, and also each
*** device you connect to it should (and needs) to have encryption active too, with
*** the same password key used on all devices that's set in the routers encryption area.
(use a strong encryption method, such as WPA2, so your connection stays private)

If anyone needs to know where these settings are, and how to change them,
Let Enrique know your routers brand and model # ... he can check and let you know.

This App does work, and works very well, ...
when connected to the SAME network (your separate router, "Intranet")

(It doesn't use Enrique's router, or other outside servers ... It's only connected to YOU.)

After this ... The rest is easy... As mentioned in this previous post.

*** Enrique, ...
*** If you would like to use any of the text in these two posts as "Help" text,
*** within your Apps "Connection Help" area, feel free to do so, without compensation.
***** Make sure you always have the newest update of the App.*****

Version 3.2 is current as of April 19th, 2012
But there's a v3.3 soon to be released. :-)
Hi, funny you should ask this question. ... I was going to tell Enrique about this.

I've noticed, when using the iPad (or other iDevice too) to rotate a picture in the Photo icon of the iDevice section (camera roll), it would create two(2) copies of the same picture file, XMP and PNG.

To answer your question, ...
I would select the PNG, because it's more of a common file-type used on web-sites

Note to Enrique;
Enrique, why does the iOS 5.1 do this when rotating a photo in the Camera Roll area?