
xmp or png

robyn 13 years ago 5
which format to choose to zip and save all files full res: xmp or png? new option with latest update...thanks!
Hi Robyn, GVdid1,

Thanks for your question and comments. I just did some testing around this. It looks like the XMP file gets created only when rotating PNG files (most likely screenshots), the XMP file is not created when rotating photos. The XMP file is a "standard, created by Adobe Systems Inc., for processing and storing standardized and proprietary information relating to the contents of a file". After I rotated a PNG image on my device the resulting XMP was:


I'm guessing Apple added the XMP file as a way to keep the original orientation of the PNG file.

In any case, you should download the PNG version of the images which is the one that actually contain the image data of the images. By doing this experiment I also realized that if you select PNG with rotation and JPG images at the same time the app will not let you download the JPG files which is obviously a bug that we should take care, so this experiment was productive on that regard as well.

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any other question or comment.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App
Hey Enrique, that's great the "bug" was also revealed.
Yes the XMP rotated file was in fact from an iPad2 screen shot. (you sure know your App)

One question, where you list a result, and say "... The resulting XMP was a ..."
... It shows the number "8".
Was that suppose to be a photo or link example?
:) I actually didn't realize how the 'getsatisfaction' forum converted what I copied from the XMP file! The content I pasted contained some XML tags and they were stripped out when I submitted my answer. The XMP is an XML file that looks something like the example shown here:


I wanted to show how it actually looked but it seems that I can't copy paste XML on these answers!
That's an interesting file extension. Seems as good, if not better than PNG

Where's the metadata stored, in both extension types, or just one.
Does your program read all of the photos meta-data?
I've been looking how to read it, or find an app that shows it ...
... same as when viewing "properties / advanced" in a Windows file, on a PC.

If that's what metadata actually is, of course. :)

Isn't it the info of what shutter speed was used, lighting measurement, lens opening
...etc ...etc. .. Plus the date / time stamp and other associated stuff :)
Hi, funny you should ask this question. ... I was going to tell Enrique about this.

I've noticed, when using the iPad (or other iDevice too) to rotate a picture in the Photo icon of the iDevice section (camera roll), it would create two(2) copies of the same picture file, XMP and PNG.

To answer your question, ...
I would select the PNG, because it's more of a common file-type used on web-sites

Note to Enrique;
Enrique, why does the iOS 5.1 do this when rotating a photo in the Camera Roll area?