
Android Version 2.3 to Iphone IOS 5.11 version 3.3

Richard Leitz 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 2
The iphone doesn't have the option to receive from an Android phone. I have tried a previous answer to the same question from 10 months ago, but with the current versions it doesn't work. How do I work this situation?
Hi Richard,
Was the post, link below, the one you're referring to?


If not, give that suggestion, by Amber, a try.
(They're working on an update fix for this issue.)
Dear Richard,

Thank you for posting your question here. I will be happy to help you.

As of right now, even though it doesn't say "Android" device it is still the same process. Please select send / receive -> send to another device. We are working on an update for this!

Also note: Right now our app does not support sending videos from an iDevice to an Android. The codec's are different between the two platforms. We are however trying to work on an update for this.

Please let me know if you have any more questions.

Kind Regards,

photo transfer app