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control key will not allow me to transfer multiple photos

Lynette Cook 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
I have tried to transfer multiple photos at the same time using my control key but it will not respond. It only transfers one photo at a timel.

Any known issues with iOS 5 Beta 6?

MorningZ 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
Good day..

So on iOS Beta 4, this program was completely hosed.. as soon as you tried to download, the app would crash on the phone

Seemed fixed on Beta 5 as it worked normally

But the problem has returned in the latest Beta...

I know, i know, the phone's OS is beta and it's a vast land of uncertainty... but I just wanted to make sure that the developer was aware that "something's changed"

App transfer

mrchavanti 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 1
how can you transfer the app from my iPad onto my apple computer. the documentation indicated that you need an app on both devices and that you only need to buy one app. tried sink but it did not seem to work. Do I need to buy another app

Device does not have pictures to share

ashleydavies70 13 years ago 1
Connecting from iPad to a HTC desire both with photo sharing app installed.

iPad finds the HTC desire over wireless automatically but as it starts to browse the other device, an error message appears saying that the other device does not " have any pictures/videos to share"..

What can I do to resolve this?

Do I need to share the pictures/video first?


Ashley Davies

Can I transfer photos to a website.

mjnorris 14 years ago 0

It Works

bfhorne1 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 1
Have used this app for three weeks now, I was a little slow at first, but now Wow, this app is truly a great one for photographers. I use my ipad2 for showing my designs and photography, everyone coments how cool it is to see the photos on the iPad.

Thanks for help with transfer from computer to ipad, but....

Judith 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 1
I love this application after trying a second time as advised to transfer photos from Macbook computer to ipad. My question is now can I copy the photo now on the ipad to the Sketchbook pro application for art purposes?? It's my traditional on paper sketch then photographed and now at last on ipad. Image 66 Image 67

Photos from an iPod Touch to a MacBook Air. Is this possible?

Dave McCarthy 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
How is this done using an iPod Touch (Model MB029LL). I would like to move photos from the touch to my new MacBook Air?

The photos were originally on an OLD iBook G4 (so old that I can't get the Migration Assistant upgraded). Since the MA didn't work my only alternative, I think, may be this APP. The description mentioned that it could be used to move photos from a Touch to a computer. I don't see how!

Problem opening zip folder on MacBookPro?

Danielle 13 years ago 2
I went to the address I was told to on my iPhone. My photos are all showing up there. There are two options, one says "Download All Photos As Zip File (MIS)" and the other "Download All Photos As Zip File (MOV)". I right clicked and chose to save my photos to a new folder in my Pictures file on my computer. It says on my phone that the photos have successfully been transferred to my computer, and a zip file shows up in the finder.

The problem is I can't open the file! When I click on it, another one just shows up on top of it with a slightly different name. I tried both the "MIS" and "MOV" links, and they both do the same thing.

Zip file name showing up in my finder is:
But when I click on it, another file shows up on top of the first one, named:
If I click on the second one, another file shows up, same name only with "2" next to it.

Any ideas??

I'm new at this and don't want iPad photos forever removed, but need them on picassa

ssdaly1 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
If I transfer iPad photos to my pc will they still have a copy on my iPad or are they gone