Your comments

Hi everyone,

I've been trying to solve this myself and played around with all settings mentioned here. I played around all day to my wits end trying to figure it out.

Then I was tooling around my router and found a setting called Access Point Isolation that was enabled. The word "isolation" caught my attention...could it be that the router was isolating its clients from each other?

I disabled this setting, and voila! Everything started working. I didn't have to mess with colons, semicolons, Windows or Apple receive mode, etc. It just started working.

Turns out many routers do this by default to prevent wifi clients "eavesdropping" on each others connections. It most important for public wifi access points where the people connecting don't know each other.

If you still have this app installed but gave up on it, please try digging in your router settings to see if isolation can be disabled. It might just be the solution to all your headaches.
Hi everyone,

I've been trying to solve this myself and played around with all settings mentioned here. I played around all day to my wits end trying to figure it out.

Then I was tooling around my router and found a setting called Access Point Isolation that was enabled. The word "isolation" caught my attention...could it be that the router was isolating its clients from each other?

I disabled this setting, and voila! Everything started working. I didn't have to mess with colons, semicolons, Windows or Apple receive mode, etc. It just started working.

Turns out many routers do this by default to prevent wifi clients "eavesdropping" on each others connections. It most important for public wifi access points where the people connecting don't know each other.

If you still have this app installed but gave up on it, please try digging in your router settings to see if isolation can be disabled. It might just be the solution to all your headaches.