Your comments

Have just installed this app on my IPad2 so that I can transfer photos from a Windows 7 computer to my iPad and believe me, it works perfectly and does everything the developer says it would do. No troubles at all and very easy to work with. Well done developers!!!
PS: just I case anyone is a little confused about if the app has to be installed on a win7 computer.... NO it dose NOT need the app to bee installed on the computer. Just use the IP address provide by the app (when you have it up and running on your iPad) and type the provided IP address (exactly as shown!) directly into the address bar of the Internet explorer program. Couldn't Be Easier!!!
Here Here! Over the years I've downloaded and installed literally hundreds of different programs. It's pretty rare to find any programme that works perfectly first go, but with a bit of effort and persistence have nearly always got most to run perfectly just requires a desire to learn!
There are unfortunately millions of people in this world who are basically just to lazy to make a minimal effort required to fix simple problems. Far easier to blame someone else than learn to fix a simple problem or even bother to pay attention to instructions. I work in the customer service field and have to put up with basically lazy people all the time!