
Can't transfer video from iPhone4 to iPad2

Liz de Havilland 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
The transfer appear to be working but right at the end I get an error saying that the video I'm trying to transfer from my iphone 4 "is not compatible with this device" iPad2 Can you help??
Dear Liz,

Thanks for posting your question here. I'm sorry you are having issues with the app. To fix this issue you can try 2 things. First one is to simply launch the 'Photos' app on your iPad and then launch our app again to try the transfer again. Sometimes the 'photos' app needs to be refreshed and launching it does that.

If the problem continues then please open the 'Settings' app on your iPad, scroll until you find our app (listed as 'Transfer') and then switch the Setting 'Use old saving APIs' to ON and try to transfer your video.

I hope this helps! Let us know if you continue having issues.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App