
crash on iphone 4s

Rick Maki 12 years ago 1
Iphone 4.
Tried a video transfer (which failed) and now the program crashes when I try to start it. I uninstalled and reinstalled the ap. Rebooted my iphone. no luck.
Dear Rick,

I apologize for the long delay in response. I'm sorry you are having problems with the app. Are you running the latest version of our app 3.0.1?

Where your videos in a .MOV format and did you modify them in any software or program? Where they taken with the iPhone 4?

Can you try to force quit the app to see if that still causes it to crash? Just double tap on the home button, hold down on the photo transfer app and when the red (-) appears, tap on that and relaunch.

Please let me know the above :)

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App