Location services? transfer directories?
I have two questions before purchasing the app:
1.Do I have to allow the app to access location services?
2 Can I transfer directories, to keep the photos organized by subject, date etc.
1.Do I have to allow the app to access location services?
2 Can I transfer directories, to keep the photos organized by subject, date etc.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Thank you for posting your question here, I will be happy to help you.
1. Yes. Our app needs to have the location services turned on in order to transfer photos. Do not worry, we cannot see any of the data collected on any of these photos that you are transferring. As a matter of fact we do not have access to any of your content at all. When you connect your iDevice to your computer using our app it creates a temporary secure network between those two devices alone. Only you have access to it.
2. When you transfer your photos from computer to iDevice it should keep it in the order in which you selected them on the computer. You can create specific albums on your iDevice and transfer those photos to that specific album if you want to keep them organized by name and specific date.
Let me know if this helps or if you have any other questions :)
Kind Regards,
photo transfer app
Just to clarify on point 1. Apple requires all apps that need access to the photos stored on the device to have 'Location Services' enabled. This is because some of your photos may be geo-tagged and therefore Apple requests the user to allow the app to read your photos. As Amber mentioned, we do not use that information at all. We take the photo files exactly as they are stored on the device to transfer them intact to the receiving device.
I hope this helps!
Best regards,
Photo Transfer App
But I will for sure not switch on the location services.
From a privacy point of view I don't want to share my locations with veryone.
Maybe I should never have purchased the I-pad not only because of the location services, but also because many sites which use flash do not work and because Apple - as the only company in the world - needs constant access to my credit card.
Apple tries to set the standards for the world. Unfortunately for Apple I will not share them.
But nevertheless thanks for your rapid an correct answers.
Best regards,
Raymond van Gelder
I keep my location services Off until I need to transfer photos, from the iPad2 to my PC. I don't think it's needed to go from the PC or Mac to the iDevice.
(Enrique will have to verify that part)
This way, I can use the App, without having Apple always knowing where I am.
Big deal they see me at home when transferring photos. I give them the "finger" if they're looking through the camera too! ... :-)
As for flash videos not playing on it ... If the web site is using HTML 5 , the video shows fine. Yeah it's a pain some times, like not being able to attach files with the iOS 5.1 browser, but if more of us complain to the Apple Support site, about the things most annoying with their iOS, they'll consider changing it.
As for the credit card info, you can always remove it each time you purchase something, but I don't know if it's needed to be in for just updating an already purchased App.... If not, keep it out until a purchase is made, then remove the info again.
It's a bit annoying, but I've found the Apple iOS security is better and more reliable than a Windows or Android based phone, tablet, or other device.
As long as its not "Jail-broken" no one can get into it, or transfer files to / from it.
At least so far, anyway. :-)
I'm just including this so you can see that the 'Location services' restriction is not exclusive from our app. And here is one from Adobe as well:
I hope this helps clarify the 'Location Services' issue. As I mentioned before we don't make use of the location information, is simply a restriction imposed by Apple.
Let us know if you have any further questions.
Have a nice weekend!