
Large Video Transfers

Janice Murray 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 2
I have an iphone 4S and an ipad 2. I am trying to transfer a video file, from the iphone to the ipad, of a video that was recorded on the iphone. The file is a little over 2 GB (about 14min.). There is a smaller video, taken from the same event, that transferred perfectly. Is there a size limitation to the videos that can be transferred using this app?
Hi Janice,
Yes the size limit is measured in seconds, and shows in the Settings section of the iDevice, on the Settings Column side, lower down, by the Apps listing.

Locate the "Transfer" button logo, tap it and on the other side, find,
"Max Video Duration (Secs)"
Change this default to the seconds you need ...
1 hour video is 60min x 60 sec = 3600 sec
So 15 min = 900 seconds
But you can leave it more and it won't hurt. .. Mine is 5000 seconds.

Enrique or Amber can verify if this is OK to keep like this, but mine hasn't hurt anything.

One note, it will take a while to transfer over standard wifi, but will be faster with the newer "n" routers. The iDevices support this faster transfer speed.
But even with wireless "n" 150MB to 300MB speeds, 2GB is still a lot of data.

Depending on how fast it transfers, it could take 10's of minutes, (15 or 20)
... to nearly an hour or more. ...!

It should get there though. :-)

I just realized, you're going from iDevice to another iDevice, so you'll
most likely connect to each-other at the fastest wireless "n" connection,
as long as it just uses each device, without having to go thru a slower router also.

Enrique can verify this, ... he knows his program better than I do. :-)
Dear Janice,

Thanks for posting your question here. The answer provide by 'gvdid1' is correct (thanks gvdid1!). Please modify the settings on your iPhone and iPad to extend the setting ' Max Video Duration' to allow bigger videos to be transferred. This setting exists because when you transfer very long videos it may take a while and your network may become irresponsive while transferring data so we recommend you not to try to download other things at the same time from other computers.

Let us know if you need more help! We'll be glad to assist you.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App