
Transfer videos over bluetooth

David Hopkins 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 3
I would like to transfer video from my iPhone to iPad over bluetooth. The app won't let me. Why? (Is it a restriction from Apple?) Will this change in the future?
Hello David,

Thank you for contacting us, I will be happy to help you.

Do you have the app installed on both your iDevices? If so, make sure you keep the app running on both devices and that they are connected to the same wifi network. Sometimes they tend to connect to nearby networks if they are available.

Also make sure that you are running the latest version of our app 3.2.

We have a great walk through on our website that shows you how to transfer from iPhone to iPad over bluetooth: http://phototransferapp.com/help/ipho...

Please let me know if this helps!

Kind Regards,

photo transfer app
Hi David,

Just to clarify a bit this answer. Currently we don't allow to transfer videos over bluetooth because the potential size and time of the transfer specially on new devices like the iPhone 4s that can create videos in HD making the size of the video really big. We will look again into this for a future release of the app but is mainly because of the transfer speed offered by the BT protocol.

Let us know if you have any other question or comment.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App
Thank you for the clarification. It would be VERY nice to transfer short videos over bluetooth. I hope it is one day added as a feature.

The app is awesome. I reviewed it 5 stars. Thanks for being so quick to respond to my question.