
Unable to transfer a 5GB file from PC

gvwilliaa 13 years ago updated 12 years ago 5
I can transfer smaller video and photo files but nothing happens when I try to transfer a 41 minute video (5GB). I have modified the Max Video Duration to 60000 secs but this still isn't working. Is there a limit on file size?

Dear Gvwilliaa,

Thanks for posting your question here, I will be happy to help you.

There is no size limit but a 5gig video might take a while to transfer. It also depends on the internet speed you are connected to.

Are you trying to transfer over a home wifi network or a public wifi network?

If you continue to have problems I would suggest trying to sync with iTunes only because the video is such a large file.

Kind Regards,

Photo Transfer app

Thanks for the response.

I am connecting over a home network and the transfer doesn't even start.
I select the file and the screen returns to the 'home' page but nothing happens, no error message, no transfer.

Smaller files transfer ok.
Hi gvwilliaa, a file that large was not really meant to be sent to the Camera Roll area of the iDevice. Maybe the App is "crashing" to the home screen because of memory limits within your iDevices storage RAM, or just because of the restrictions of the Camera Roll area, by the Apple iOS.

You can try using the USB cable with the iTunes program to sync it to the Videos area of the iDevice you want to transfer to.

I remember Enrique telling another customer a similar response when they wanted to transfer a 2GB video to their device.

You can always ask Enrique about it, by sending an eMail to his support address.

By-the-way ... huiliu may also be correct with the possibility mentioned in that post, below.
Hi, gvwilliaa

Maybe it's because the upload file size limit. Different web browsers have a different limit, you may try using Google Chrome from PC.

Here listed upload limits for Internet Eplorer, Mozilla firefox, Google Chrome, Opera:
