
Android to iPad, where are m photos?

Jude Hernandez 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
I can't find most of the photos transferred from my Android phone to iPad. Why?
Hello Jude,

Thank you for posting your question here, I will be happy to help you.

After transferring photos from your Android to iPad they should be in your photos app. Did you check your native photo app on your iPad? Where you able to locate some but not all transferred?

If you sent it to a specific album it should show up there as well as the Camera Roll (that's how Apple designed it with the new iOS). After you transfer the photos from the Android to the iPad you need to open the 'Photos' app to view the photos that you transferred.

If they still are not there please let us know if they were in a JPG, GIF or PNG format and what device they where taken with. If they are very big photos I would recommend to resize them before transferring to the iPad.

I hope this helps!

Kind Regards,

photo transfer app