
Downloading a ZIP..

Tim Whittaker 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 4
I am trying to transfer images and videos from Android HTC to Win XP,
TWO Issues. 1, When I select alot of files on my phone ie; 500, Chrome and IE freeze.
2, when I download a zip of photos (small number 20-30) I download a 9mb corrupt zip containing one corrupt file.. HLP
Hello Tim,

Thank you for contacting us, I will be happy to help you.

1. When I select alot of files on my phone ie; 500, Chrome and IE freeze.
Do you have the settings to accept 500 photos? By default our app allows you to select up to 200 photos. To change this just go to settings -> transfer -> photo limit size and from there you can change the size limit but just note, it does take a while to transfer that many photos at a single time. The freezing could be due to your wireless connection. If it isn't strong enough it might not be able to handle that many. So make sure you are as close to the router as possible :)

2. when I download a zip of photos (small number 20-30) I download a 9mb corrupt zip containing one corrupt file

Where all your photos in a PNG, GIF or JPG format? Have you tried transferring a smaller batch like 5, for example, to see if you get a corrupt file? Do you know which picture was corrupt?

I hope this helps!

Kind Regards,

photo transfer app
all jpegs.. Ill go try a small number
Thanks Ill got take a look at your options now.. BTW, for the life of me I cant find Settings..on Android HTC Desire HD
Dear Tim,

I'm sorry you are having trouble with the app. Let me add couple of comments to try to help here. You don't need to modify the settings of the app (that only applies to our iPhone app version). You should be able to select as many photos as you want, it is strange that the web browser freezes. However, I would recommend you to transfer in batches of about 100 to avoid having a very large zip file which may cause trouble when transferring it.

Regarding your second issue, what program are you using to unzip the file? Please try to simply right-click the zip file using the Windows File Explorer and then use the option to 'Extract' the files. That should create a new folder with your pictures.

I hope this helps you!

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App