
Where's the "link"?

AtlantaBill 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 9
The Hint on one of the "Download Photos to Your PC" windows says, Right-click the link and choose Save target as... to specify where to save the zip file."

Where is this "link"?


Bill Speights

Image 58
The link is called a "HyperText" link.

The text itself is the link, so you right-mouse-button click over the box'd text saying,
"Download all photos as zip file..." .. Or ... "Medium Resolution"

"Select Other" is most likely a button to get other options.

The other "hyper-text" links are, shown under each photo thumbnail for the resolution, when you've selected to see each individual small amount of photos, instead of the larger zip file.
Thanks GVdid1!

Bill, The answer provided by GVdid1 is correct, you can right click the 'Download all photos as zip file.." button to choose where to save the zip file using the 'Save target as option". We should make that more clear though. Thanks for pointing this out.

Let us know if you have any other question or comment.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App
Hi GVdid1! and Enrique.

"right click the 'Download all photos as zip file.." button to choose where to save the zip file using the 'Save target as option"

When I right click on this text, a "standard", Windows 7, context menu appears with a bunch on options beginning with 'Open Link in a New Tab', Open Link in a New Window', Bookmark this Link', etc. And, no 'Save target as option' appears.

So, what am I missing?

Thanks again in advance.

You're not missing anything.
That option was with XP or Mac, maybe Enrique knows what the menu option on Win7 is.

I don't think I saw you mention the PC OS being used, in your original post. :)
By the way, what browser are you using. ... The options may also change depending on that too. ... So, may as well get that question answered now as well.
Thanks for your attention, GVdid1.

I'm using Windows 7 with the latest updates applied and Firefox, Version 12 (the latest).

I know how to direct Windows' unzip results to a specific folder in another location, so, I'm able to get my photos where I want them. But, specifying the location of the zip file in Photo Transfer may be a little quicker.

The Firefox browser may call it by some other function, or may not have it.

You may need to look, or wait for Amber, or Enrique...
I don't know the Firefox browser well enough.
Hi Bill,

I checked for Firefox (on Mac) and the option would be "Save link as.." instead of "Save target as...". On Firefox for Windows 7 it should be the same option to select where to save the zip file.

I hope this helps!


Photo Transfer App
Hi Enrique.

Well "Save link as" works -- kinda. Thanks.

Actually, I find it's easier to just let the zip file go to my default, download directory and then send the photos to their proper destination during the unzip process. This approach is very straight forward and clear, so its what I'm going to use.

Thanks again for your help.
