
Compression Method

rebjdonaher 13 years ago updated 12 years ago 1

I have completed all steps until it comes to opening the file after the transfer and I am getting an error message that states

"Jzip does not support the compression method used by the file."

Any idea how I can fix this?

Thanks for your time!
Dear Becky,

Thanks for contacting us. I'm sorry you are having issues with the app. Can you try using the default windows program to do the unzip? Please try right-clicking on the zip file using the Windows File Explorer and then choosing 'Extract' to see if that helps.

Also, if the problem persists, can you try transferring a different set of photos (maybe from a different album on your device) to see if the problem continues. Maybe the issue is with one of the photos stored on the device that is messing up the zip headers.

Let us know when you try these things. We will be happy to help.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App