
My downloaded photos, when unzipped, are upside down !

DaveJH 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
When I download original photos ( as a zip file) from my Iphone 4s to Win PC, on unzipping the photos I find that they are inverted.

Why does this occur ?

Sure, I can rotate each photo, one at a time, through 180 deg but surely this should not be necessary.

Any advice to solve this problem would be appraciated.

Hello Dave,

I will be happy to help you.

What program are you using to view your photos? Note that if you are viewing your photos on the web browser some pictures will not be rotated on the proper way. This is because the browser can't detect the proper rotation.

To solve this please use the 'Download all photos as zip file' and then open your photos with a image viewing software on your computer. From there, as you mentioned, you can rotate them and 'save' them. The reason why they are rotated is because that is the manner in which you took the photo. Our app transfers your photos exactly as they are stored on your iDevice.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other question!

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App