
describe Photo Transfer App

Peggy 13 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
please describe what this app does exactly.
Where can I get this info?
I purchased it but it is in with my other Apps and I really am not sure if I want to use it. I have Macs iPad3 and iPhone3. Does it sync photos?

I will be more then happy to help you. I'm sorry for the delay in response.

The Photo Transfer App allows you to transfer photos from one iDevice to another, iDevice to computer and visa versa over a wifi network.

We have a lot of information on our website here: www.phototransferapp.com

It transfer's a copy of your photos / videos from your device(s) over a wifi network to your computer and visa versa.

Please let me know if this helps :)

Kind Regards,

Photo Transfer App