
App crashes when transferring from Mac to iPhone

RobiG 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 6
Photo Transfer App has been terrific for me since I bought it some time ago,

However, the app is now crashing when uploading to phone. I've had no problems transferring from the iPhone to a desktop computer (Mac) at home or at work. But now I seem to be having problems uploading even an 82kb jpeg file. I've restarted the phone, I've reinstalled the app. And I'm stumped.

Running on an iPhone 4. iOS 5.1

Thanks for the help
Hello RobiG,

I will be more then happy to help you.

Are you running the latest version of our app 3.3?

Also make sure that you keep the app running while you attempt to connect. I would recommend that you close out the app, force quit it (tap on home twice, hold over our app and hit the red (-) ), launch your photos app first then launch our app.

Once you launch our app try the transfer again.

Please let me know if this helps!

Kind Regards,

Hi Amber,

Thanks for the quick reply. Yes it's the latest version of the app.

I did all the things suggested, to the point of actually deleting the app and then reinstalling. It's flawless going one way: transferring out from the iPhone, but crashes importing to to iPhone -- even using the desktop version of the app.

Thanks again.
Hi Robi,

This is Enrique, one of the developers of the app. I'm sorry you are having problems using the app. Can you try please to take a new picture with your iPhone and then opening the 'Photos' app to view it? That ensures that the photo database on your iPhone is refreshed. Then, after taking the photo and opened the 'Photos' app go to our app and try the transfer process again. I hope that will solve the problem - sometimes the internal photo database looses sync but taking a new photo should help.

Let us know your results! Have a nice Sunday,

Hi Enrique,

I'm always using your app, BTW. I use the iPhone a lot for photos.

Not sure if this actually solved the issue or not, but I was able to upload two different photos to my iPhone. However, when I tried uploading the photo I originally intended to upload, the app crashed again. I finally had to email the photo to myself to get it on my phone.

I'm wondering if it might have something to do with the file name being long (29 characters without the .jpg extension) or perhaps the use of "" marks and/or the © in the name?

Thanks again,
Hi Robi,

Yes, the file name may actually be the problem in this case. Can you tell me what the name of the image was? That way I can run a test over here and solve the bug if there is one.


Hi Enrique,

The file name is: "Robi" © Signature white on black.jpg

Thanks again and regards,