
How can I transfer the photo in original size?

wingtaitam 14 years ago updated 13 years ago 3

Thanks for posting your question here. When you transfer photos from iPhone to computer or from iPad to computer the photos are transferred exactly as they are on your device. The photos are not modified or resized, they are transferred at the maximum quality and resolution (original size).

However, if you want to transfer photos from a computer to an iPhone/iPad, the photos will be optimized to be displayed on the device's screen (the 'Photos' app will do this automatically), so the resolution may be reduced if the photos are very large. Basically the maximum resolution you will get will be the maximum resolution that the iPhone or iPad can handle internally when saving a photo.

I hope this answers you question. Please let us know if you have any other question or comment.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App
I have emailed a number of photos from my iPhone and iPad and have used Photo Transfer App at full res. The emailed files are always larger (e.g. 5 MB v. 3 MB). Doesn't this mean that the quality is not the same?
Hi Scott,
Are you sending the photos to your computer from your iPhone and iPad? Our app takes the original version of the photo stored on your device so the file should be exactly as it is on the device. When you email the photo do you choose the original image or a reduced size? If you choose the original then the file size should be exactly the same as the one transferred with our app.

If that's not the case then I would ask you if you could send us a sample to our support email (support [at] phototransferapp [dot] com) to further review this.


Photo Transfer App