
Loading albums takes For-Ever!

Cynthia 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 4
The Mac app just shows "loading albums" when connected to my iPhone. All devices are connected to the same WiFi, and the Mac app shows all devices running Photo Transfer. It just doesn't actually load the photos and videos from the iPhone to the computer. It transfers from the IP address just fine, but I'd rather not go that route.
Dear Cynthia,

I am sorry you are having issues with the app, I will be happy to help you.

Try this to solve the 'loading albums' problem:

1. Open the 'Settings' app on your iPhone
2. Go to 'Location Services'
3. Make sure that the switch is turned ON for 'Transfer' (our application)
4. Close the settings app
5. Run Photo Transfer again and check if the albums load (they may take a few seconds to load)

(The reason why location services should be enabled for our app is because on the new version of the iPhone OS photos are now considered a location service since they have the GPS location of the place where you took the photo. So now when accessing your photos the OS requires our app to have permission to use location services).

Another suggestion is to open the 'Photos' app on your iPhone and then simply close it and go to our application again. Opening the Photos app ensures that the photo catalog is refreshed so our app can read it.

I hope this helps. Please let us know if you continue having problems. We will be happy to help.

Best regards,

Photo Transfer App
Thank you for such a quick response. However, the suggestions you made did absolutely nothing for my problem. To be clear, the problem I'm having is with the Mac app; the apps for my iPhone and iPad work like a dream! The phone is discovered on the app, but when I click on it, a spinning wheel icon shows up with "Loading Albums" alert. The Send to Mac page on my phone only shows me a web address, and when I furtively click on the phone icon in the Mac app, the "web interface" button blinks. It's as if the app is giving me no choice but to go through the internet. The reviews on this app in the Mac App Store are stellar, and I'd like to give this five stars. But I'll never be able to rate it at all until the program runs like it should. Please review and advise. Thanks.
Also, I read something from someone on this forum having the same issues. They said something about having to reset the DNS on the computer to accept the app's host, or something. I have no idea exactly what they were talking about, but I tried tweaking my wireless settings, out of desperation. All I ended up doing was screwing up my internet settings. I won't be trying that again! But it gives you an idea of just how far I've gone trying to get this app to work!
Hi Cynthia,

Thanks for contacting us and sorry you've had problems with the app. This is Enrique, one of the developers of the app. Can you tell me if you are able to transfer photos using the web interface? If you don't have any trouble with the web interface then the problem probably is with the naming of one of your albums. Can you tell me if by any chance you have albums with the same name? Or with some special characters? Also, it is definitely important to double check what Amber mentioned about the 'Location Services', please verify those settings just to make sure that they are enabled for our app.

Sorry again about the bad experience you've had with our app. Give me some info about your results using the web interface and the name of your albums. I'll be glad to help you out!


Photo Transfer App