
Clear after transfer?

Paula McCool 12 years ago 2
Just exactly what does "clear after transfer" in the settings options mean? Does it mean to clear the cache or does it mean to clear (as in delete) the photos off the device that have just been tansferred to the pc?

Thanks for any enlightenment regarding this issue.
Thank you so much for your help, Amber. I was afraid it might delete the photos that it had copied from my iPad, which I did NOT want to happen, preferring instead to pick and choose which ones I do want deleted.

I have done a few transfers now, and the app is working perfectly,and I am a very happy camper! I have transferred wirelessly to my newer computer as well as with USB connection to my older computer that is not wireless. I am delighted with the app, and now I can get busy and transfer the 15,000 various photos that I have collected over the past six months to make room for more images! As you can guess, I collect beautiful photos like some people collect stamps, and your wonderful app has taken a load off my shoulders with its efficient means of transfer. Thanks a big, big bunch! ((~.~))

Peace and happiness to you!
Paula >
Hello Paula,

I will be happy to help you.

This option, when enabled, clears your last selection of photos after a successful transfer. This allows you to then go back into our app and select a new batch of photos to transfer.

Our app cannot delete / modify anything off your device. It only copies from one device to the other.


photo transfer app