
Problems transfering video from iPad to PC

Sarah 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
I'm trying to transfer an iPad movie file to my PC. While downloading, the download progress bar reaches full complete, but it continues to say "downloading selected items..." forever. I've left it running for a couple hours and it still hasn't downloaded. My only thought is that the video file is large. Is there a limit on the size of file that will be transferred from the iPad to the PC? Is there anything I can do to solve this?

Thank you for contacting us, I will be happy to help you!

Are you using the Desktop app or the web interface to transfer your video? If you are using the desktop app I would like to suggest using our web interface instead of the app.

Also how long is the video you are trying to transfer? Note: There is no limit on the size of the video.

Please let me know the above and if the web interface helped!

