
Folder and sub folder

Sebastien 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 1

It is possible to create a folder before to send the photos. Why not a sub folder ( a folder in a folder ) ?

Will it be possible one day ?

Hello Sebastien,

I will be happy to help you!

As of right now Apple does not allow the possibility of creating a sub folder. You can however use our app to create an album on your device!

How To Create An Album
1. Type in the IP address our app gives you after going to http://connect.phototransferapp.com
2. Select "Upload photos & videos" to this computer to your device
3. You will see a box that will allow you to create your own album. It's under Create Album.
4. Simply name your album and then choose the photos you wish to transfer to

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions!


photo transfer app