
Transfer video file

evoldman 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
Hello. I just downloaded Photo Transfer app on my iPhone 5 and iPad 3. The goal is to transfer video file in mp4 format from iPhone to iPad. I downloaded that file from PC to iPhone using app File Explorer. My iPhone could recognize iPad but it does not see my video file. It looks that it is looking only for Camera Roll or My Photo Sream but my video file likely in not expected location.
My question : how to fix it?

Thank you for contacting us, I will be happy to help you! I am sorry you are having issues with the app.

Apple only allows third party apps to access your Camera roll / Album(s). Our app cannot grab videos that are in the 'videos' app. You could use our app to transfer your video from pc to iPhone into your camera roll by transferring from computer to iPhone : http://phototransferapp.com/help/ipho...

That should place your video in your camera roll and in an album you choose to put it in as well.

I hope this helps answer your question! Please let me know if you have anymore!

