
Frozen Ipad App

Pennie Hartzog 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 1
after downloading the phototransfer app to my ipad, the app appears frozen on the ipad. Icannot go anywhere except move back & forth from page 1 thru page 5. What is wrong? Ican transfer photoes from my windows computer to my I5 phone but not to my Ipad. HELP!

Thank you for contacting us, I will be happy to help you!

What iOS version are you using on your iPad? Is it an iPad 1st generation? It seems that we have an issue with the introduction screen when your iPad is still running iOS4.3. The solution to this is to update your iPad to iOS5 or iOS6 which are the most recent versions of the operating system published by Apple. To do that please connect your iPad to the computer you normally sync and update to iOS5 or iOS6.

You need to have at least iOS4.3 to at least be able to install the app on your device. Unfortunately Apple does NOT allow installation of iOS4.3 on iPhone 3G. We are looking into this situation but unfortunately Apple has dropped support of the new versions of iOS on iPhone 3G and they dont accept new apps or updates for iOS lower then 4.3.

Please let me know if you have any more questions!


photo transfer app