
Upload from desktop app to iPad not working.

Matt Corke 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 3

I've just downloaded the app for iPad and Desktop (Mac). It's great, aside from upload and album creation from my Mac doesn't work. I'm on the same network, the iPad is discovered but it just says it's creating an album / uploading images for a long time before failing. Using the web browser upload it works superbly. Download using the desktop app works fine as well. Any ideas?

Hi Matt,

Thanks for contacting us. Interesting issue, I wonder if there is some type of security software installed on your Mac that may be preventing the mac app to work properly. Are you able to create folders using the web browser? Also, when connecting via the Mac app, do you see a screen on your iPad that says 'Connected to ''? And one more question, what version of OSX are you running on your Mac?


Photo Transfer App
Hi Enrique,

Thanks for a swift response. The answers to your questions:

1. Yes, I can create folders via the web browser
2. Yes, on my iPad it says "Connected to:" followed by my Mac name.
3. I am running 10.6.8

Hi Matt,

Sorry for my delayed response. I wonder if it has to do with running the app on OSX 10.6. I'll run some tests here with a mac that is still running 10.6 to see if I can replicate the issue. Do you have another iOS device running our app that you can try with? I'll let you know once I do some tests here. In the meantime you can continue using the web interface to upload files - sorry for this problem.


Photo Transfer App