
My pictures are in the wrong order after transfer

Steen Pedersen 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 3

I just transferred all my pictures from my iPhone 4 to 5. Alle the pictures are now in the reversed order.

When I go to pictures the oldest are first. If I then take a new picture it will be placed as it should - but that gives me this situation.

new to old - and then new since the transfer.
Anything to do?


Thank you for contacting us, I will be happy to help you. I apologies for the delay in response.

Are you using the 'Backup' albums feature? or are you copying the files manually. To transfer a complete album we recommend using the 'Backup albums' function. :)

Please let me know if this helps!


photo transfer app

I did the transfer via WIFI from one iPhone to another. That way all my Pictures and movies was randomized.

I then tried backup all the picures and videos from the phone to the PC and then use the retrieve from PC funktion. That worked great except that I could only choose either Pictures or movies. So I transfered the Pictures first and then the movies.

So the problem has been solved.


Hello Steen,

Excellent, I am glad that the app is working now :) Yes, you can only transfer photos or videos.

Please let me know if you have anymore questions while you continue to use the app! I will be happy to help.

Have a great day!

