
Why am I unable to download your app from iTunes store?

Calvin O 8 years ago 3
I recently purchased the iPhone app and now I'm trying to download it for my Mac. However, the app doesn't install.
A friend who also has the Mac software said there was an update available for them, but was given an "error" message whenever they try to update.

Yes, I am having the same problem. Let me rephrase my question for the benefit of Bitwise Software SL tech support:

How do I download Photo Transfer App Version 3.40 for the Mac from the Mac App Store when the only option I have is to "Open" the app? I am currently running version 3.30 for Mac OS X 10.11.5.

The note on the Photo Transfer App page on the Mac App Store states that "This application requires "Photo Transfer App" ($2.99) installed on your iPhone, iTouch or iPad" and of course, I have clearly purchased this app from the App Store and I do have it installed on my iPhone.

So again, how do I update Photo Transfer App for Mac OS X?
I have the same issue
I just restarted my Mac and now Photo Transfer App on the Mac App Store shows the "Update" button and clicking on it has updated the App successfully to version 3.40.