
Albums and Photos on iPad don't show up

Cy 11 years ago 2
I just downloaded and installed Photo Transfer App on my iPad and my iMac. I am able to connect to the iPad using the interface on the computer, but there is nothing listed under "albums on selected device". I have the same problem when accessing throught the web interface. No problem connecting, but no pictures show up to transfer.

There are about 1600 pics and 10 albums on my iPad, so I'm confused. It's a First gEn iPad running iOS 5.1.1. Any ideas would be appreciated

Thank you for contacting us, I will be happy to help you!

As of right now that isn't currently possible but it sounds like a fantastic idea. I will pass this on to the developing team and see if they can implement it :)

Please let me know if you have anymore questions!


photo transfer app
I have been able to solve this problem. For some reason, Location Services must be turned on and Photo Transfer App must have access to your location in order for it to be able to see any of the pictures in the photo library. People reported similar problems with other photo transfer programs and this was the solution.

I turned on Location Services and allowed Photo Transfer App access to my location and it started working.