
Not My Photos!!

Robin Barker Farrell 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 5
When I transferred my photos from my iPad to my Mac I ended up with photos on my iPad that aren't mine...and I can't delete them. How can I get rid of these photos? In addition. I ended up with a lot of duplicate photos that I don't have the option to delete.
Hello Robin,

Thank you for contacting us, I will be happy to assist you!

Our app cannot delete photos off your device. In order to delete photos you will have to do so manually. If you go to your photos app on your iPad, tap on the delete you should then be able to delete your photos.

We have a great walk through on our blog that shows you how to remove albums and photos off your device here: http://blog.phototransferapp.com/2013...

Please let me know if you have any other questions!


Photo Transfer App
The problem is a) the photos transferred were not mine and b) these photos do not have a delete button so I can't remove manually.
Hello Robin,

We have an excellent walk through on our website that shows you how to delete photos from your iPad: http://blog.phototransferapp.com/2013...

If you are running iOS7, to delete your photos you need to open the photos app, tap on the album and then tap on "select" at the top. This will then allow you to select your photos and once you do, a trashcan icon should appear which will allow you to delete your photos.

The photos that didn't transfer - If you transferred from iPad to Mac then there isn't a way our app moved photos that you didn't choose. So if you didn't select your photos, they wouldn't have transferred over. Maybe you saved those photos from a different place? Or synced them via iTunes?


Amber - I need someone to contact me. Not only did your app move photos I didn't choose, it added photos that aren't and were never mine. I don't know the people in the photos or the site they were taken. Also. Many, if not most of my photos are now in duplicate on my iPad. I have the option to delete one but not the other. I know how to delete photos - I'm NOT BEING GIVEN THE OPTION TO DO SO.

Thank you,

Hi Robin,

This is Enrique, one of the developers of the app. Amber called my attention on this issue and I will be glad to help you figuring this out. It would be great if you can answer these quick questions so I can better understand the problem:

1) What version of iOS are you using on your iPad? You can view this on the ‘Settings app’ > General > About

2) What type of wifi network did you use to transfer your photos? Was it a home or public wifi hotspot? Also, did you use our Mac app to transfer your photos or the web browser?

3) Do you have ‘Photo Stream’ enabled? Photo Stream is made by Apple and it basically makes a copy of all the photos you save on a device so they become accessible on any device with the same iTunes account

Finally, I would suggest you to try this to delete photos from your iPad if you are using iOS5 or iOS6:

1) Open the ‘Photos’ app on your iPad

2) Touch on the ‘Albums’ tab on the top of the screen. Then touch on the ‘Saved Photos’ album (if you have an iPad 1) or ‘Camera roll’ if you have an iPad with camera.

3) Touch on the ‘Action button’ (the one with a little arrow inside) and then you will be able to select photos and delete them when pressing the ‘trash’ icon.

I hope this helps you. Let me know when you have a chance to try the procedure I described here. I will be glad to continue helping.

Best regards,

Photo Transfer App