
photo transfer app for iphone

chinmay sawant 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 2
i have installed the app in my iphone 4 as well as my hp envy laptop
but as soon as i select a photo fr transfer in my iphone the app crashes
ps help
Hello Chinmay,

Thanks for posting your question with us, I will be happy to assist you!

Are you using iOS5? There is a known bug for iOS5 on our app that causes the crash. An update is about to be released in the next couple of days!

If you are not using iOS5 then please let me know what iOS you are using. Also if you can provide a few more details on how the crash happens, that will also help us greatly :)

Thank you!


Photo Transfer App
I wanted to add that a new version of our app (v4.4) is now available on the app store. Please download this update to your iPhone and try if it fixed your problem.

Let us know if you have other questions or comments.


Photo Transfer App