
Difficulty tramsferring photos form PC to iPad.

Robert Conaglen 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 1
I want to transfer photos from my Windows PC to my iPad. I have downladed the Photo Transfer App successfully on both my iPad and PC - and choose "receive photos" on my iPad. My problem is that on my PC - the only option I get is to transfer photos from my IPad - not to my iPad. The only device that appears on my PC is my iPad. Could you please help me. Am I missing a step? Many thanks

Thank you for contacting us, Robert, I will be happy to assist you!

If you are using the desktop app, once you launch the app then discover your devices you will see that your iPad should show up with the list of albums to download to/from.

To download from Windows to iPad you can either:

1) Drag and drop your photos into the desired album of your choice
2) Select the photos that you would like to transfer and at the bottom, you will see a variety of selections you can make. Choose Upload to Album. This will download the photos from your PC to your iPad.

Please let me know if this helps or if you have any other questions!

