
All my 207 videos won play

Joan 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 9
First time using your app, and all my videos were transferred to google drive and none of my .mov videos play. All 207 videos are gone. I checked recently deleted files, it wasn't there either.
Hello Joan,

Thanks for contacting us and sorry you are having issues with the app. Are you playing the videos directly on the Google Drive web page? Please note that Google Drive takes some time to process the video and produce a playable version. What you can try is to download one of your videos to a computer for example and play it from there.

Also, did you use the 'Delete after transfer' feature? If yes, the videos will be deleted from the main album but you will definitely find them on the 'Recently deleted' album unless you deleted them from there as well.

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have other questions or comments.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App
Thank for prompt response. I did try to play them on Google drive in my phone and the recently deleted files on iphone were gone too. I will try to download one of them on my pc. All my video files sizes are only kb as well.
I tried to download it on my pc but the video it says video unable to process. I'm assuming all of them are corrupted.
Hi Joan,

Did you perhaps choose to upload in medium resolution? When choosing to upload in medium resolution the app will choose only a preview image to be uploaded and I think this is the case here. Did you manually deleted the videos from the 'Recently deleted' album?


I did... I thought the medium will decrease the video resolution and I did deleted the album since I was trying to free up some space.
Hi Joan, 

Have you made any recent backups of your device with iTunes via the USB cable?


No, that's the thing, my pc won't let install iTunes. But that's another issue with my pc. That's why I would rather do a back up on my Google Drive.
Huh, and you haven't made other backups before? We will update the app to make sure medium resolution is not allowed for video uploads to avoid this case.
Nope... Oh well, I'm not sure if any recovery tool will work. But I'm open to suggestions.