
Wrong download to Mac instead of iPad - nowhere to be found

ImagineAll 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 1
Mistakenly downloaded Photo Transfer App intended for iPad to my Mac, then followed with the free Mac app. The Mac shows only the free one, the iPad one is nowhere to be founded. Where do I find it and transfer it to the iPad?

Thanks for posting your question here with us, I will be happy to assist you with our app!

Did our app successfully install on your iPad? You can use the search feature on your iPad to search for our Photo Transfer App.

If you do not locate it, you can download it again from the App store. Launch the app store, look for our app in the search bar and then reinstall it :) You won't be charged again to reinstall it as long as you use the same iTunes account.

Please let me know if you have any other questions!


Photo Transfer App