
Stuck on step 2.

Cathy 11 years ago updated 10 years ago 1
how do I "run" the photo transfer app on my computer? The only option I can see is browsing for pictures on my ipad which has no pictures. I am trying to put pictures on my ipad from my mac. I don't have camera roll on my mac only iphoto.
Hello Cathy,

My apologies for the delay in response! Thank you for posting your question here, I will be happy to assist you.

Are you using our desktop app for Mac? Or the web browser? If you are using our desktop app, after you install it, you should be able to double click on the app and then from there it should launch. Then after that you can double click on "discover devices". Which it seems like you where able to get to this point. At the bottom there is an "upload to albums" button. This allows you to upload your photos from your Mac ( Not from iPhoto ) to your iPad.

Here is our walk through transferring from Mac to iPad using our desktop app: http://phototransferapp.com/help/mac/...

and here is our walk through when using the web browser: http://phototransferapp.com/help/ipad...

When using the web browser, after you discover your devices and you choose receive on your iPad, and enter in the IP address our app gives you, then you should be able to then choose what album you want to transfer your photos too and then be able to choose your photos from your Mac to then transfer.

Please let me know if these walk throughs help you!


Photo Transfer App