
From iphone n ipad to android phone???

Andy 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 1
I bought this app n I loved it for my apple iphone n ipad devices. My question is do I need to pay again for this app using my android phone?
Hello Andy,

Thank you for posting your question on our forum, I will be happy to help you with our app!

We're glad to hear you are enjoying our app, thank you! In regards to your question unfortunately yes. The Apple store and Google Market ( as well as iPhone/iPad and Androids ) are two different platforms and require coding of separate apps for both so if you want them on your Android and your iOS devices, you will have to pay for both.

However, our app is a universal app! Which means when you buy it for one or both devices, if you have similar devices then you will not need to pay for it again as long as you use your Google play account or iTunes account.

Please let me know if you have any other questions!


Photo Transfer App