
move photos from Adobe Photoshop to iPad

Frank Liss 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 1
I want to move photos from Adobe Photoshop to an iPad. How do I do it?
Hello Frank

Thank you for posting your question here with us. I will be happy to help you!

To transfer from the computer where Photoshop is installed to the iPad you need direct access to the files. So you will have to save your photos from Photoshop in a certain file in which our app can grab from, so for example, save them in your "Pictures" folder on your computer.

We have some excellent walk throughs on our website that show you how to transfer with our app and with iPad to computer here: http://phototransferapp.com/help/ipad...

Please let me know if this helps or if you have any other questions!


Photo Transfer App