
Tethering my iPhone 5s is how I access the internet on my windows 7 laptop.Will this app work for me?Thanks

UniverseC12 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 2
I do not have a router at home.
I tether my iPhone for internet access on my windows laptop.
Will this app for me?

Also, can I transfer between my iPad and iPhone without a router?

Using Bluetooth can I transfer between my iPad Air and iPhone 5s without a WiFi network?

Hi Chad,

Sorry for the delay answering to you. Yes definitely, the app will work using the hotspot feature of your iPhone. Simply turn on the hotspot feature of your device and then join the network from your other device. Then PTA should work as if you were on a normal wifi network to transfer photos to your computer.

And you can use bluetooth to transfer between iPad air and iPhone 5s when you don't have access to a wifi network. You could also use the same hotspot connection to transfer photos.


Photo Transfer App
Too late.
I could not get it to work.
Yesterday I did an uninstall and took the refund.
Perhaps I will try it again in a year.