
Albums not loading on the 'Select' tab (iPhone OS4)

Enrique Rodriguez 15 years ago updated 15 years ago 1
Please follow these steps to solve the 'loading albums' problem on iPhone OS4:

1. Open the 'Settings' app on your iPhone
2. Go to the 'General' settings
3. Go to 'Location Services'
4. Make sure that the switch is turned ON for 'Transfer' (our application)
5. Close the settings app
6. Run Photo Transfer again and check if the albums load (they may take a few seconds to load)

(The reason why location services should be enabled for our app is because on the new version of the iPhone OS photos are now considered a location service since they have the GPS location of the place where you took the photo. So now when accessing your photos the OS requires our app to have permission to use location services)

Let us know if this solves the issue.