
iphone app crashes when trying to upload from shared album

Lisa McClelland 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 1
Hi there,

I'm trying to upload photos from the iCloud photo sharing portion in the photo app on my iPhone 5 running iOS 8 to a PC running Windows 7 Home Premium SP1. Whenever I try to access one of the shared "albums" on the iPhone app the app crashes.

This happens both when I use the PC app or the web page on the PC. I've tried restarting both the iPhone and the PC. I can upload photos from albums, e.g. "recently added."



Hello LS!

Thank you for posting your question here with us. I will be happy to assist you with our app!

In regards to the problem you are having with the Photo Stream we're aware of some issues with Photo Stream and the latest iOS. The development team should have an update available very soon! Sorry for the inconvience. Please let us know if you have any other questions!
