
Video Thumbnails don't match Camera Roll

Marc Leftoff 15 years ago updated 14 years ago 2
I noticed, after activating the (Beta) video transfer function, that the thumbnails in your application's preview of the videos are not the same as the thumbnails in the Camera Roll on my iPhone 4.

I'm trying to only select a video that is 1 minute or less and it's difficult to know which is which. Maybe if you offered us the ability to see the duration of the video, that would help a lot. Right now I have to look on the iPhone's Camera Roll to see the duration. Once I find my video, I then go into your app. But the icons don't match, so I'm unsure which video is which.
Hello Marc,
Thanks for posting your question. This issue seems to be very similar to the one posted here:


We are working on an update for this. It looks like the thumbnails on iPhone 4 are bigger than in the previous OS version so that's why they are not correctly displayed. I apologize for this issue. We will have a fix soon.

I will post something here when the update is ready.

Let us know if you have any other question or comment. Kind regards,

The Photo Transfer App team
Hi Marc,
I'm really sorry it has taken us so long to post the update to fix the issue with the thumbnails. We decided to include many other changes into the app so that's why it took us long to push the update.

The good news is that we sent version 2.0 of Photo Transfer App to Apple yesterday so now we are just waiting for them to approve it which may take from 5 to 8 days. We are excited because this new version includes a better way to connect between devices (using bonjour) and the ability to transfer short videos from iPhone to iPad among other improvements.

I would be happy to send you a pre-release version of the app that you can install on your device. I would only need your device ID to be able to create an app that you can install. Send us an email at: support [at] phototransferapp [dot] com if you want to do this so I can send you further instructions. It would actually help us having someone else external testing the app.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App