
can't get this app to work between my iPhone 3G with OS 4 and pc on Vista

annie 15 years ago updated 15 years ago 3
i've tried everything and checked the instructions over and over. I can't get to the ip provided from the iPhone and transfer to my pc. Both devices are on the same network, and i have no other apps open. I'm only trying to transfer 1 photo to test. I also have the location service turned on...I'm frustrated because i purchased the app 2 weeks ago and i couldn't get it to work.
Dear Annie,

Thanks for posting your question here. I'm really sorry you are having problems with the app.

Are you by any chance using an Apple Extreme router? If that's the case, please make sure that you are connected to the main wifi network and not the 'Guest' network - the guest network blocks the communication between iPhone and computer.

If not, then can you tell us what brand/model of wifi router are you using? We have other users reported problems with the Cysco E2000 router.

In the meantime, I would suggest to try resetting your wifi router to make sure all connections are refreshed.

Also, what web browser are you using? I would suggest to try connecting with a different browser like Safari, Google Chrome or Firefox, specially if you are using Internet Explorer.

I hope this helps. Please let us know if you continue having problems, if you do please send us the address that you are getting so we can check if it looks ok. We'll be happy to help.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App
I'm using the 2Wire router & IE 8 on a Vista PC, which are both very common in the pc world. The address is 169.254.159:8080.
Hi Annie,

Thanks for the info. The address that you posted seems to be incorrect. Normally the address should be 4 numbers before the :8080, like http://X.X.X.X:8080 - the address that you sent only has 3 numbers separated by periods before the ':8080'.

Please open the app again on your iPhone and then try the address again from your computer's web browser. Make sure that you are typing it exactly as it appears on your iPhone including the 'http://' and the ':8080' parts.

If you continue having problems I would recommend you to turn off wifi on your iPhone and then turn it back on to join the network again and make sure all connections are refreshed.

I hope this helps. Let us know how it goes.

Best regards,

Photo Transfer App