I am trying to load pictures to my iPad from my iPhoto library. If I browse normally the iPhoto Library does not show as a folder. I have to find the photo within iPhoto on my Mac (OS 10.6, iPhoto 9), right click and select Show File, copy it someplace else and then upload the copy. What I need to be able to do is to browse directly to the file and transfer that. Any suggestions? Thanks!
You can't browse the contents of the iPhoto library with the Apple Finder. The library is locked on purpose to prevent modifications by inexperienced users.
If you feel adventurous, use an "improved" finder like Path Finder (www.cocoatech.com), it's a splendid application which will give you access to the iPhoto library innards. Be careful not to modify any of the contents !!! I think you'll find what you want in the "Originals" sub-folder.
Have fun,