
sideways not vertical

James 15 years ago updated 15 years ago 1
i cant seem to change the photo on my laptop that came from my iphone 4 to a vertical look.all the pics are horizontal. any suggestions? everything else works great!
Dear James,

Thanks for contacting us. Are you viewing your photos inside of the web browser or did you download the photos to your computer? The photos are transferred exactly as they are on your iPhone, including the rotation headers. However, some programs (like the Windows XP image viewer) can't read the rotation information on iPhone photos so they may be displayed with the wrong orientation.

I would recommend you to use a different software to view your photos. You can use for example the Google Picassa for desktop which displays the iPhone photos in the correct orientation.

I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any further question or comment. We will be happy to help.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App